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Don’t let DMK Pull A Fast One on US

Take Action Right Now If You Care About UH’s Future

UHPA has received reliable intel that the Senate Committee on Higher Education (HRE) will be scheduling SB 3269 for a hearing early next week and HRE Chair Senator Donna Mercado Kim plans to post the hearing notice late Friday (2/4/22) evening.

Your Testimony is a Must

We need you to submit written testimony and/or testify via videoconference and you must do so at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the hearing. 

Pulling a Fast One?

There is a possibility that HRE Chair Senator Donna Mercado Kim may schedule the bill to be heard as early as Tuesday, February 8, 2022.  Thus, all written testimony and/or registration for verbal testimony must be done on Monday, February 7, 2022, and at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing.  

Start Drafting Testimony Now

If you are planning to submit written testimony, we encourage you to work on your draft as soon as possible in that you will be prepared to submit the testimony before the 24 hour deadline.  We will keep you apprised of the issuance of the hearing notice.

In solidarity we stand!


Some ideas on How to Testify

In response to your requests, we’ve created a detailed template for SB3269 that you can use as inspiration for your own testimony.  Please do not copy/paste – use this to get you started and come up with your own voice and own reasons for why you oppose this bill!

Slide Deck Published

UHPA Members can download a PDF of the slide deck that was used at our recent Emergency Briefing. 


Note: All linked content is for UHPA Members only