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Get your complimentary financial review from HomeStreet Bank

Our partners at HomeStreet Bank are offering UHPA members a complimentary, no obligation, financial review. Their official announcement is below and if you’re interested, click on this link to get specific information on how to schedule your review.

Our partners at HomeStreet Bank say,

When making important decisions about your personal financial objectives, it’s critical to have a trusted financial partner with the skills, knowledge and experience to advise you on strategies to help you realize your dreams and achieve your goals. We start by listening, then asking questions to understand your position and perspective. It’s important to have a plan, but a plan by itself does not assure success. Our relationship with you goes deeper. We stay in touch, involving you at every stage of implementation, monitoring performance and meeting with you periodically for review.

To schedule your review, click on the button below contact information.  Please note that this service is for members of UHPA only.



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