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Take Action Now on SB 3269

Hearing Set for Thursday at 3:00pm

We told you that Senator Donna Mercado Kim was going to pull a fast one on  SB 3269 and here it is: she introduced an amendment earlier with SB 3269, SD1 and it’s scheduled for a hearing this Thursday, February 10, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in Conference Room 229 and video conference.

Our Analysis of SD1 Will Be Posted

UHPA is currently analyzing the changes made to SB 3269, SD1, and will be posting our analysis and impact of the proposed changes.

But Don’t Wait. Your Testimony Submission is a Must

We need you to submit written testimony (via the button on the bill’s page) and/or testify via videoconference (how-to details here) and you must do so at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Thursday 3pm hearing which means your deadline is this Wednesday 3pm. 

Do it now. 

If you are planning to submit written testimony, we encourage you to work on your draft now and submit your testimony before the 24 hour deadline.  

In solidarity we stand!