On May 4, 2016 UHPA received a copy of a Kapiolani Community College letter from the Chancellor’s office announcing the retirement of Chancellor Leon Richards from his present position on May 15, 2016 and from UH on December 1, 2016.
Shrinking support for the chancellor
This announcement marks the end of a series of No Confidence votes on the chancellor and public Op-Eds. UHPA Members at Kapiolani Community College embarked on a long and arduous journey to bring about change on their campus and we commend them on completing their quest.
Rate My Administrator played a key role
Results from UHPA’s “Rate My Administrator” survey for Kapiolani CC was used by their Faculty Senate in their letter to the faculty when announcing the approval of a motion to initiate a vote of no confidence. UHPA Executive director Kristeen Hanselman said, “The recent events by employees and students demonstrated that taking a stand to be treated with respect can make the KCC campus a better place to work and study. This effort by many to speak out and share their common experience is something that others can emulate to demand a better campus environment. KCC employees and students did good.”
Expressing the will of the faculty
UHPA’s leadership will continually explore methods and tools to enable the expression and realization of the will of the faculty in the long-standing tradition of shared governance in higher education. We commend the Kapiolani Community College community in having the courage to voice their views and take appropriate action to improve their conditions.
Document History related to the retirement announcement
- Faculty Senate motion to initiate vote of no confidence (VNC (4/7/16)
- Faculty Senate VNC (4/21/16)
- Kalaualani Council VNC Resolution (4/21/16)
- Staff Council VNC Resolution (4/21/16)
- ASKCC Student Congress VNC Resolution (4/21/16)
- AGO Joint Resolution (4/28/16)
- Chancellor’s office announcement of retirement (5/4)