We’re always looking for new member benefits programs that add value to UHPA membership. If you have a program that fits our benefits program organization explained below, please call our office and ask for the email address of UHPA’s Membership Benefits staff liaison to continue the dialog. Mahalo!
The ideal membership benefits program features…
- Benefits exclusive to UHPA members only. Discounts and offers that are also available to the general public and/or anyone that asks for them are of lesser value to us. Our members are special to us and we want to partner with organizations that have something special to offer.
- Significant benefit. UHPA informs its membership about benefits programs on a regular basis. We strive to be of value to our members and ask the same of our partners.
- Easy to use. Most of our programs are available via website information. We have a private membership site which our members access for information on how to redeem the offers available. Our best partners are web-savvy and can operate electronically with UHPA.
How your program gets promoted within UHPA
- Periodic announcement. Our newsletter is emailed out to approximately 3,000 members every month. We will typically email a special message from your program 1 or 2 times per year. This can be increased under certain circumstances. View our UHPA member benefits announcements to get a feel for the published content.
- Permanent web page. If you look at our Member Benefits Page, you’ll notice each entry leads to a specific UHPA web page which has further details about the benefit. This page will reside on our website during the duration of our relationship.
What we expect our benefits partners to do
- Maintain a promotional calendar. Assuming we will promote your program 2x per year in our monthly newsletter, we need to know which months you will use and a sense of what you will promote and/or say.
- Provide all content. We need copy and photography for both the permanent web page and the periodic promotional piece that will go out in the newsletter. Copy should be in simple text and photos in jpg. No PDFS.
- Succeed! We want this to be a win-win. UHPA provides a powerful channel with an attentive audience and you provide the programs to that channel. Use your creativity and create programs that sell well for you and bring great value to our members