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HOU HED SB 2328 SD2 Instructional Materials (OER)

The House Committee on Higher Education
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
2:00 PM, Conference Room 309

RE: SB 2328 SD 2 Relating to the University of Hawai‘i

Attention: Chair Angus McKelvey, Vice Chair Mark Hashem and
Members of the Committee

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) urges the committee to support SB 2328 SD2, which establishes the University of Hawai‘i open educational resources task force in an effort to make college more affordable by focusing on, or reducing the costs of general education course textbooks.

UHPA recognizes the need to provide affordable and accessible instructional materials through a variety of means. The expansion of open educational resources (OER) contributes to reductions in the cost of instructional materials for students.

This measure will provide for a task force that can identify the necessary resources for the expansion and maintenance of a robust open educational resource system. UHPA recognizes that such an undertaking will necessitate adequate state funding for a significant period of time.

Many faculty members are already engaged in developing OER materials. There are areas of study where opportunities to initiate online resources needs exploration. Funding of pilot projects encourages such activities.

UHPA supports the passage of SB 2328 SD2.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director