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HOU FIN HB 1929, HD1 HLRB Emergency Rules

The House Committee on Finance

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

11:00 AM, Conference Room 308

RE: HB 1929, HD1 Relating to the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board

Attention: Chair Sylvia Luke, Vice Chair Ty Cullen and members of the Committee

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) urges the committee to pass HB 1929, HD1.  HB 1929, HD1 recognizes there are circumstances that necessitate a proactive approach to allowing a duly established state entity, the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board, to have emergency rulemaking authority.

Based upon the anticipated  2018 US Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Council 31, US Supreme Court Docket No. 16-1466 the constitutional and statutory underpinnings of Hawaii public sector collective bargaining may be at  risk. The  proponents in Janus seek to undermine the financial ability of unions to effectively fulfill their statutory obligations of negotiations  and representation. This outcome may also affect the ability of government to perform its duties as management and maintain an orderly set of operational policies.

Often when there are court decisions that call for statutory changes, it is the Legislature that is vested with the obligation and authority to comply with a given order. The challenge is when the Legislature is not in session and an event or series of circumstances are sufficiently harmful that immediate action to mitigate the damage  is necessary. UHPA believes that the current circumstances presented by the Janus case, and its brethren which are making their way through the Federal Courts, may present immediate, important questions regarding the application of Chapter 89.

The Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board is vested with resolving labor management disputes, interpreting the application of Chapter 89, and advising the legislature on matters covered by Chapter 89. It is within this context that HB 1929, HD1 requests that the HLRB be granted emergency rulemaking powers to be utilized when the need to act immediately is important to effectuating the values and goals of Hawai‘i law.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman

Executive Director