Faculty Made a Difference!
SB 3269, SD2 – House Will NOT Hold Hearing on Tenure Bill
UHPA was notified today by Representative Gregg Takayama, Chair of the House Committee on Higher Education and Technology, that he will NOT hold a hearing on SB 3269 SD2 Relating to Academic Tenure at the University of Hawai‘i.
Representative Takayama shared that he reviewed the many pages of testimony from the Senate hearings, and took to heart your concerns and perspectives on tenure that unequivocally expressed opposition to this bill. He also shared that he clearly understands and respects the role and responsibilities of the UH Board of Regents, and how this legislation attempted to circumvent their decision-making authority.
Faculty engagement was critical in effecting this final outcome. Without your collective voice, this outcome would not have been possible! This proves that as a union, your voices can and are being heard! We extend our appreciation and thanks to all of you for responding to the Call For Action. No further action is required or needed at this time, but will keep you informed and apprised since we will continue to monitor this situation during this legislative session.
Special mahalo to Chair Gregg Takayama, House Finance Chair Sylvia Luke, and the entire House Leadership Team who took the time to listen, understand, and work with UHPA to hear the collective faculty voice on this critical issue.