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SB 410, Collective Bargaining; Negotiations; Prohibited Practices

The Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor
Thursday, February 9, 2017
9:00 am, Room 016


RE: SB 410, Collective Bargaining; Negotiations; Prohibited Practices


Attention: Chair Gilbert Keith-Agaran, Vice Chair Karl Rhoads and
Members of the Committee


The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) urges the committee to support SB 410, which encourages the parties to a collective bargaining agreement to negotiate in a manner that effectuates the purpose of Chapter 89. Such purpose includes recognizing that public employees have a voice in determining their working conditions. This proposed measure advances the cooperative relations between employers and employees that establishes a healthy collective bargaining environment.

UHPA encourages the Committee to support SB 410.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director