The Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
9:00 am, Room 016
RE: SB 328 Proposing an Amendment to Article VI, Section 3, of the Constitution of Hawaii to Amend the Timeframe to Renew the Term of Office of a Justice or Judge and Require Consent of the Senate for a Justice or Judge to Renew a Term of Office.
Attention: Chair Gilbert Keith-Agaran, Vice Chair Karl Rhoads and
Members of the Committee
The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly opposes SB 328 as an overreach on judicial review by the Senate. The reappointment of a justice or judge is best effectuated through the judicial selection commission established to assess the performance and fitness to maintain office free from legislative influence and pressures that could be brought to bear on an independent judiciary.
UHPA respectfully requests that the Committee oppose SB 328.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director