Over the past week, WittKieffer, the search firm tasked with developing the leadership profile and position description for the new UH President, has held a series of forums seeking input from faculty, staff and students, on priorities for the next UH President.
Input can be provided at a forum, either in-person or by Zoom, and by email to UHpresident@wittkieffer.com.
If you have not had an opportunity to participate in one of the forums, consider emailing WittKieffer with your comments. All names provided by email will be kept confidential. The Leadership Profile will be reviewed and approved by the Presidential Search Advisory Group (PSAG) before being submitted to the Board of Regents (BOR) for approval at the May 16th BOR meeting. Because of this, UHPA recommends that your comments be sent to WittKieffer by Friday, May 10, 2024.
Consider the following questions when providing your comments:
- What are the most exciting opportunities facing the University of Hawaiʻi? What are the biggest challenges?
- What are the top priorities for the next president?
- What are the qualifications and qualities the president needs to achieve those priorities and to thrive in the role and in the community?
- What makes you most proud to be part of the University of Hawaiʻi, and what excites you about its future?
Visit the Presidential Search website – https://www.hawaii.edu/leadership/president-search/ – to stay up to date on the search process.