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UH Budget Workshop For Faculty – Now Open to Staff

Please encourage staff members to join us this Friday and Saturday, January 7 & 8, 2011 from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm in Classroom 2 of the William S. Richardson School of Law (WSRSL) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa for a two-day Budget Workshop run by Professors Rudy Fichtenbaum [Economics-Wright University] and Howard Bunsis [Accounting-Eastern Michigan University] who are experts in analyzing university budgets across the nation.  The Workshop is hosted by the All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs (ACCFSC) and is sponsored by the University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly (UHPA).

Click here to view a draft agenda for the workshop which is included in the information flier. Some topics that will be covered are:

  • Difference between budgets and actual financial statements;
  • Fund accounting versus accrual accounting versus cash-basis accounting;
  • Basic setup of the UH System;
  • Revenue breakdown: where does UH receive money from; analysis of percentage changes over time;
  • Expense breakdown: where does the money go; is the UH system being true to its core academic mission.

All UH faculty and staff members can RSVP to attend this event in person or to access the event electronically through the STAN videoconferencing system. Those who are unable to attend in-person or electronically may also request an electronic recording of the event. Registration and attendance are free.

For more information about this event or to RSVP to attend this event in person, access the event electronically, or receive an electronic recording, please follow the detailed directions in the information flier.

Please contact Kristin Herrick at or by calling 956-7725 if you have any questions or concerns.

We look forward to seeing you there!