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Contract Successor Agreement Terms Published

2021-2023 Unit 7 Successor Agreement Negotiated Changes Published

The approved changes to the Unit 7 successor agreement and the terms agreed upon by the parties that will be incorporated into the 2021-2023 Unit 7 UHPA/BOR Agreement can be found on the UHPA website on the 2021-2023 Tentative Agreement page.

Contract Printing of Full Agreement Underway

UHPA, UH, and the Governor are now in the process of finalizing the changes to produce a formally executed successor agreement in full. Once the changes have been reviewed and memorialized in draft form, the parties will take a final review and will need to mutually approve the changes for printing. The parties are hopeful that this review and approval process will occur shortly. Until the 2021-2023 Unit 7 UHPA/BOR Agreement is printed and distributed, please continue to reference the UHPA website contract section