The links below are PDF downloads of the currently signed tentative agreements on changes to the previous contract.
UHPA, UH, and the Governor are in the process of producing a formally executed contract in full. The tentative agreement documents below are intended as a temporary measure until the new contract is published.
- BU7_settlement offer_2021.04.17 TA final.docx (1) (part 1) – signed
- Er – BU 7 – Article XXI – Salaries – 4-16-2021 TA.docx (part 1) – signed
- BU7 Art XXII_EUTF_ 2_yr_2021-04-16 TA.docx (part 1) – signed
- BU7_ArtXXX_Duration_2yr_2021-04-16 TA.docx (part 1) – signed