The House Committee on Higher Education
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
2:00 p.m.
Room 309
RE: HB1532, Relating to the University of Hawai‘i
Attention: Chair Isaac Choy, Vice Chair Linda Ichiyama and Members of the Committee
The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) urges the committee to oppose HB1532, that segregates out the Board of Regents from making “public” their financial disclosure forms.
There has remained within the checks and balances of members of Boards a need-to-know that ensures a conflict of interest does not exist. It cannot be understated the importance of fair and equitable treatment to all members of Boards governing educational matters. To segregate out the Board of Regents is to infer their right to privacy is far superior to any other who sits in authority over state budgetary management.
There are many ways to improve Section 84-17, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes regarding financial disclosures, but segregating out members of one Board as privileged over another is an inappropriate way to address the larger issues in this section.
UHPA urges the committee to oppose HB1532.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director