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GM 855 Gubernatorial Nominee, J Musto, Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board

The Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor

Monday, April 18, 2016

9:30 a.m.,  Room 325

RE: GM 855 Gubernatorial Nominee, J Musto, Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board

Attention: Chair Gilbert Keith-Agaran, Vice Chair Maile Shimabukuro and Members of the Committee


The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) supports the confirmation of Dr. J. N. Musto to the Hawaii Labor Relations Board as the labor representative.

Dr. Musto offers a range of experience and knowledge that is both substantive and practical in addressing the challenges of  21st century collective bargaining and dispute resolution in Hawaii. His philosophy and practice over many years  have made Dr. Musto an exceptional candidate. His approach to a bargaining recognizes that the best contracts are those that result from the parties having a shared purpose; and that employees and employers function best when there is  mutual respect and trust. Recognizing there are occasions when dispute resolution processes must be invoked  Dr. Musto has demonstrated, as  UHPA Executive Director, that these processes must be used judiciously but are fundamental to ensuring  settlements when parties cannot find common ground. His knowledge of the strengthen and limitations of Chapter 89 are unprecedented  and lead to a long history of innovative and dynamic contracts that have served both UHPA members and the University of Hawaii well.

Collective bargaining and contract maintenance are dynamic processes that often require creativity and the flexibility to find avenues not written or previously contemplated  by the parties. Dr. Musto has often solved problems by an openness to continually negotiate and set new perimeters so a contract remains relevant when unanticipated issues arise. That is the heart of understanding the ongoing nature of employee and employer relationships.

UHPA urges the Committee to confirm Dr. J. N. Musto to the Hawaii Labor Relations Board.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman                                                                                                                                                            Executive Director