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Political Party Organizing is Underway in Hawai‘i

Democratic Party Precinct Meetings

The Precinct meetings, where the election of Precinct & District officers as well as the delegates to State & County Conventions, will take place on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at various locations across the state. You will be able to find a complete listing of those locations on the Party’s website in January 2020 as well as in the ads that will run on Sunday, February 9, 2020 in your county’s paper of record.

Democratic Party Presidential Preference Polls (PPP)

All members of the Democratic Party of Hawai’i will be able to vote by mail in the Party-run Presidential Primary as noted below:
If someone is an enrolled member of the Democratic Party of Hawai’i (which you can do on-line at and a registered voter in the state of Hawaii ( by February 18, 2020 a ballot will be mailed to your house.
A second mailing will be done after March 8, 2020 only for those who join between Feb. 19 & March 8, 2020
Anyone that joins after March 8, 2020 will be required to go to a polling location on April 4, 2020 (see recommendation below)
It is recommended that if you have your ballot in your possession on April 1, 2020 (March 30, 2020 for rural areas) that you drop your ballot off at one of the polling sites, as all ballots must be received by 3:00 pm on Saturday, April 4, 2020 to be counted.)

Republican Party

The Republican Party has forgone any Precinct Meetings or Presidential Preference Poll for the 2020 election cycle. Should you have any questions here is their party website (

Green Party

The Green Party has not listed any information regarding meetings for 2020. Should you have any questions here is their party website (

Register to Vote – ALL MAIL VOTING

Hawai‘i is now an all mail-in voting state. Make sure you are registered to vote at this link.  We will continue to update you.