The ratification vote is underway regarding the State’s offer to faculty. Ballots were sent to the email address we have on file for every member of Bargaining Unit 7.
If You Haven’t Seen Your Ballot, Check The Following:
- Your inbox. Ballots were sent on Wednesday 4/6 with the Subject line “2022 UHPA Contract Ratification Vote” from the address “”.
- Your other inbox: if you previously registered your non-edu email with us, the ballot was sent to that email address
- Spam folders: check both your .edu and non .edu email spam folders. Search for the address “”
Still Can’t Find It?
If all of the above fail, please email Kathy Yamashita and in your email body please confirm that you have performed the 3 steps above and cannot find your ballot. Kathy will confirm that you are in the bargaining unit and the email address the ballot was sent to.