By Joel Peralto, Accounting Professor
It was the eve of the last academic senate meeting, and the HawCC faculty who came to the “Aloha JN Musto” and “Mahalo HawCC faculty” get-together at the Hilo Yacht Club on Friday, April 24th were in for a treat.
UHPA hosted the 3-hour event, and Exec Committee member, Annie Brown, a Yacht Club member, graciously used her membership to sponsor the gathering. It was all made possible by former English instructor Misty Carmichael, now UHPA Assistant Executive Director, who asked, when I mentioned the idea to her a month or so ago, “how does April 24th sound?” We began our conversation that way, explored ideas, and before long, it was clear that we could use the gathering as an opportunity to say “mahalo” to JN, AND to the HawCC faculty, and UHPA would graciously pick up the tab. When I excitedly mentioned it to EC Vice Chair, Claudia Wilcox-Boucher, she volunteered as social director and did a terrific job of organizing and insuring that a wide cross section of faculty came. Those who did were NOT disappointed. Great food, mood relaxing drinks, great company and an inspiring Mahalo speech from guest of honor, JN Musto who is leaving after over 35 years at the helm of UHPA, were the highlights. JN graced us with a short mo’olelo of his introduction to the Big Island….long gone faculty member/administrator Tom Ikeda personally introduced him to the “whos who” around town, declaring “this haole is OK”….that’s all it took….a fond memory of HawCC back in the day.
The planning committee met, along with Sam Giordanengo, incoming Exec Committee member and outgoing FPC chair, to wrap up the evening with a somewhat serious (just kidding) evaluation tete-a-tete on the back lawn. It all ended with YC member Annie Brown declaring “we need to have a pau hana gathering to close out the year.” I believe the vote was unanimous in favor of this great suggestion. If you missed the first one, maybe you can make the follow up…it promises to be fun! Many mahalos again and again to Misty Carmichael, JN Musto and the UHPA board for making this all possible. Of course, it would have been nothing had the faculty not come.
Mahalo HawCC faculty.
Malama Pono, E Holomua!!!