Dan Harris-McCoy and UHPA President Ashley Maynard organized our first Faculty Meetup on Sept 4, 2019 and we’re happy to report that it went great with Kristi Govella, Emily Daubert, and Roger Chen attending (in addition to Dan and Ashley). The meetup lasted about 45 minutes.
When asked about what the topics were, Dan Harris-McCoy said, “We talked generally about settling into life on Hawaii and at UH. So we discussed serious things like life in faculty housing, home-ownership, finding work for spouses. But we also talked about pets and favorite restaurants. I especially enjoyed meeting with new faculty to talk about adjusting to life in Hawaii.”
UHPA President Ashley Maynard who was kind enough to take the photo, said, “It was great to meet up with UHPA members just to talk story. We plan to do it again soon.”
Meetups get published in our monthly newsletter and you can always visit our Meetups Page to get the latest news and Meetup announcements.