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UHPA Wins Unprecedented Case Involving Discrimination Against UH Faculty Member for Involvement in Union Activity

UHPA filed the grievance and successfully fought for Lebbin, who had been a UHPA board member. This victory is an unprecedented case in Hawaii labor relations history, and resulted in the UH Board of Regents granting Lebbin a promotion with back pay. The UH must post a cease and desist notice that recognizes violating the collective bargaining agreement and state labor law, both electronically and at conspicuous locations on all UH system campuses.  

The arbitration took almost two years to complete because the UH administrators failed to cooperate and provide necessary information, attempting to hide behind claims of confidentiality impeding the investigation of a grievance alleging discrimination. The Hawaii Labor Relations Board ordered a third party neutral to interview members of the Tenure and Promotion Review Committee to ascertain whether assertions made by UH administrators were based in fact.

The Lebbin case underscores the importance of joining UHPA and creating a strong voice to put an end to discrimination in all forms. Click here to read the full text of the arbitrator’s decision, which includes details of Lebbin’s challenges and insights into the actions and motives of UH administrators.