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UHPA Supports Ka‘āina Hull for the ERS Board

Retirement benefits offered through the Hawaii Employee Retirement System (ERS) continue to be a vital component of our overall benefits package.  Over the past five years, the ERS Board of Trustees have been empowered to make more decisions that could impact the viability and sustainability of our retirement system.  Current discussions taking place at the ERS Board could impact the retirement benefits of current members.
The upcoming ERS Board election is an opportunity to select an individual that will be able to protect faculty interests and help ensure a sustainable system in the future.  UHPA was contacted by one of the three candidates running for the ERS Board, HGEA Member Ka‘āina Hull.  In our meeting with Ka’āina, he demonstrated that he is a committed advocate for faculty and all public employeesʻ to fulfill the commitment of pension benefits for current and future retirees.

We appreciate your consideration of Ka’āina Hull for the ERS Board of Trustees.  Ballots need to be postmarked no later than November 6, 2017.

*Please note that there was an error on the ballot return envelops that indicates a post mark date of October 21, 2015.  The correct date is November 6, 2017.