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Possible paycheck deduction error on EUTF

You may have a DAGS Error on 7/20/21 Paychecks on EUTF calculations

The below is excerpted from an email sent to EUTF trustees. If you have any questions or concerns UHPA recommends you do as directed below and contact EUTF directly.  

Late last week we found out that DAGS made an error on the 7/20/21 paychecks related to EUTF deductions.  DAGS normal process is to upload our EUTF file with the upcoming health benefit deductions.  For the 7/20/21 paycheck, DAGS was running the EUTF file and another file at the same time.  This resulted in 26,000 out of 109,000 rows (each row represents one employee’s deduction for EUTF medical, drug, dental or vision) not being updated properly.  The bulk of these updates are probably for the increase in premiums which would result in an under collection.  However, if the member during open enrollment dropped a dependent or changed to a lower cost plan, this would not have been reflected resulting in an over collection.  DAGS will resolve the issue by taking the following actions:

  1. Notify the departments of the issue (an email was sent on Friday, 7/16). 
  2. Determine the 7/20/21 over or under collection and will refund or collect the difference on the 8/5/21 paycheck.
  3. Implement procedures to prevent the same situation in the future. 

At this point, we do not have to make changes on our side.  However, please note the following:

  1. Shortage notices should not be sent out as any under collections should be resolved (i.e. 8/5/21) prior to the next shortage notice print out (i.e. mid August).
  2. EUTF staff will not issue refunds related to the 7/20/21 paycheck until we receive the 8/5/21 DAGS payroll deduction file. 
  3. Our Member Services Staff have been apprised of the situation and will be able to assist the members impacted.