UHPA was copied on the below letter from the President of the Hawaii Fire Fighters Association endorsing Lynne Wilkens for the Employees’ Retirement System Board of Trustees, and we could not be happier. Please support Lynne in the upcoming ERS Board Trustee Election.
Dear Dr. Wilkens,
On behalf of the Hawaii Fire Fighters Association’s (HFFA) Executive Board, I am pleased to share HFFA’s endorsement of your candidacy for Trustee of the State of Hawaii’s Employees’ Retirement System.
Your professional qualification, experience within the higher education system, and your advocacy on behalf of the members of the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly over the many years makes you extremely qualified for the position on the Employees’ Retirement System Board of Trustees. HFFA is extremely confident that you will be an asset on the ERS Board and an advocate for all members, both active and retired. We will share HFFA’s endorsement with our retired and active members prior to ERS distributing the ballots in September.
Please feel free to call me if we can assist your candidacy and we look forward to working with you in 2022 as a Trustee on the Employees’ Retirement System Board.
Fraternally yours,
Robert H. Lee
Download the original PDF received: HFFA endorsement of Lynne Wilkens for ERS