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Robyn Tasaka nominated for creating online learning platforms

Submitted Nomination:

Nominee nameRobyn Tasaka
Nominee Campus, DeptUHWO, No‘eau Center (Student Learning Center)
CategoryDedication to teaching and their students
Why is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?Robyn Tasaka has created online platforms for students to use as they learn from a distance and she implemented some of these practices before COVID19. The No‘eau Center remains open in the sense that there are numerous guided workshops students can access. These workshops are essential when constructing a research paper, revising, and comprehending the process to writing a solid essay. She also works closely with No‘eau Center tutors, ensuring that students can submit papers online and receive timely feedback.

Please note that this published nomination has been minimally edited, if at all, and strictly reflects the views of the submitting author and not UHPA.

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