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Cynthia Hunter nominated for Dedication to teaching and their students

Submitted Nomination:

NameCynthia (Cindy) Hunter
Campus, DeptManoa, Life Sciences
CategoryDedication to teaching and their students
Why is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?“She went home for Spring Break to take care of her mother who was awaiting heart valve surgery. After the March 12 announcement that UH was switching to online instruction, while taking care of her mother, she arranged to switch her two courses to online, setting up Zoom and encouraging guest lecturers to use a format most had never tried. Directing from the mainland, her two courses went online both synchronously and asynchronously, as students now live everywhere from the East Coast to Australia. Her mother’s operation on the 24th was a success but she has continued taking care of her, while juggling lectures, grading, and mentoring two grad students who are defending their theses this month. Asked if we could mention her, she replied: “I would be honored but there must be thousands of us doing the same!”

Please note that this published nomination has been minimally edited, if at all, and strictly reflects the views of the submitting author and not UHPA.

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