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EUTF Board of Trustees Enhance Retiree Dental Plan

The Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF) Board of Trustees, at its April 28, 2015 meeting, voted to increase retirees’ dental plan maximum from $1,000 to $2,000 retroactive to January 1, 2015.  Additionally, they voted to pay for the additional cost of the enhanced dental benefit from EUTF’s excess reserves for the calendar year 2015.

Hawaii Dental Service (HDS) will be sending a letter to all retirees who exceeded their $1,000 maximum from January 1, 2015 to explain that they will reprocess those claims and reimburse payments to the retiree’s dentist.  Retirees should contact their HDS participating dentist to see if they are owed a refund.

For questions, contact HDS Customer Service at 529-9310 or toll-free (866) 702-3883.

Note:  The enhancement does not apply to the HSTA VB dental plans.