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Volunteer to help process unemployment claims

There has been an overwhelming amount of unemployment applications filed and despite the fact that the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations has added an additional 100 people to process them, they need volunteers to reduce the backlog so that families depending on unemployment compensation can receive those badly needed checks as soon as possible. 

We are working collaboratively with HGEA and HSTA, along with Senator Brian Schatz, leadership of the State House of Representatives — Speaker Scott Saiki, Finance Chair Sylvia Luke, and Labor Chair Aaron Johanson — to find a solution to this problem.

We are helping to do our part. Please go to and fill out a very simple form to indicate your interest in volunteering.  Details are on the website and you will be contacted for further instructions. 

With the help of hundreds of volunteers we believe that claims can be processed in a few weeks which otherwise would take months to process. We are doing this on our own to step up and help our community.

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused unprecedented challenges for us all and sometimes it’s during those most difficult times there can be great comfort in knowing your volunteer efforts are helping other families in Hawaii. 

If you have time available to volunteer, we urge you to go to and fill out the volunteer form. 

Who can volunteer?

Current State workers.  No Oahu State worker volunteer will be turned away.


To help process unemployment claims.


Starting Wednesday, April 22.


Please be sure that any volunteer work does not interfere with your normal faculty responsibilities.  


To help our community.


Hawaii Convention Center. 

Please do not show up until your scheduled is confirmed.