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UHPA Seeks Contract Extension

During the term of this Agreement, the parties, each on the call of the other, shall meet to bargain in good faith on matters covered herein. In the event that agreement cannot be reached on these matters, the current language of the Agreement shall continue in force and effect and Article XIX, No Strike or Lockout, shall control, the actions of the parties.”

The denial of the grievance means that UHPA and UH will immediately seek arbitration. Efforts are underway to expedite this process so that a decision can be rendered as quickly as possible to determine the status of the contract and its continuation.

In the interests of fully protecting the continuation of the contract UHPA has filed a prohibited practice with the Hawaii Labor Relations Board. This prohibited practice seeks to stop the University or Governor from unilaterally altering the terms and condition of employment of the collective bargaining agreement. The complaint charges the employer with abandoning the contract by refusing to implement the Duration clause. 

The Labor Board is asked to recognize the pending arbitration and defer to its’ completion and to order the parties to maintain the Agreement during this time. If there is no deferral to arbitration, the Labor Board shall issue an order to maintain the Agreement in full force and effect until the charges of contract abandonment are resolved.

As this situation changes faculty members will be informed via this web site.