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Unions Take Legislative Action in House & Senate to Change Health Fund for Public Employees

In summary the bills;

  • Establish the right of each bargaining unit to negotiate not only the employers payments to EUTF but the coverage
  • The Trustees would have “fiduciary responsibilities” to the beneficiaries of the EUTF, i.e., the public employees and retirees
  • Would permit the EUTF to hire its own legal counsel, and removes the Attorney General, who is appointed  by the Governor, from that role
  • Expand the number of Trustees from 10 to 12 to allow each union a representative, appointed by the unions not the Governor
  • Transfers administrative authority of the EUTF from the Department of Budget & Finance to the Department of Human Resources
  • Exempt the EUTF from state procurement law in the selection of consultants and carriers

You can read the bills on-line:






We will be notifying faculty members when hearing dates and times are set for these bills.  This is the most extensive joint legislative undertaking ever initiated by the public sector unions, and one of the most important issues facing public employees’ health and welfare.