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Campus Equity Week: October 28-November 2, Fair Treatment of Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty

UHPA has established contract provisions that fight the misuse of part-time and adjunct faculty (temporary hires). The contract call for the conversion of temporary positions to probationary tenure status and provides protection for lecturers and other types of externally funded positions through the use of rolling 3-year contracts. Under state law all faculty members working half-time or more receive retirements credits in the Employee Retirement System and employer supported premium contributions to the Union-Employer Health Insurance Trust.

It is easy for both the UH administration and the Legislature to take advantage of the current economic pressures and try to deny more full-time employment opportunities and access to probationary tenure track positions.  This is an area where we need to be diligent. It is also important that this issue be given the appropriate recognition across the country to diminish the second-class treatment afforded some faculty.

To see what is happening around the country this week go to