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Attention: UH-Manoa Faculty


The UH Manoa administration has provided UHPA a list of bargaining unit members that have received non-renewal notices or have chosen to leave or retire as a result of the 4% budget reduction implemented by Chancellor Hinshaw. UHPA is gathering information to ascertain whether the contract provisions have been followed and to identify problems.

In addition to the faculty that have been non-renewed, there are reports of reductions in faculty appointments from 11 months to 9 months or to some period that is less than the current appointment such as from full-time to half-time. Questions regarding order of reduction where a less senior faculty member has been retained over a faculty member with greater seniority are also present.

UHPA has received numerous requests for assistance and is working to ensure that faculty rights under the collective bargaining agreement are not being violated. UHPA needs to be contacted if you believe your rights have been violated.

To date the majority of non-renewals are subject to the provisions of Article XIII, Faculty Appointments Not Eligible for Tenure. If you are a lecturer, part-time faculty, or temporary faculty these provisions are important to determine if you have been afforded the rights under the contract.

There are other circumstances that may exist not addressed by Article XIII but relate to changes in faculty status as a part of a budget reduction. Please inform UHPA of the circumstances and actions taken.

Faculty should provide the following information:

•    Name and best contact information for the summer; faculty position, campus, department or college, initial hire date, appointment term and source of funding for your position.

•    Copies of administrative letter and/or documents relating to a non-renewal or other changes in status due to the budget reductions.

•    Include details that can be helpful to understand the specific problem you are experiencing.

Send the information to Kris Hanselman, UHPA Associate Executive Director, at or fax it to the UHPA office at (808)593-2160.

Please respond by June 26th.