A. Department or Division Chairs shall be tenured at Rank 3 or higher for the Community Colleges. Department or Division Chairs for UH-Manoa, UH-Hilo, and UH-West Oahu, shall be tenured at Rank 4 or higher or if not tenured, shall be at Rank 4 or 5.
B. The Chancellor of a Community College, the Chancellor of UH-West Oahu, and the Dean/Director at UH-Hilo and UH-Manoa shall appoint Department, Division, or Program Chairs for periods up to three (3) years. The appointments are renewed annually.
C. Faculty Members in the various Departments, Divisions, or Programs shall meet to consider the recommendation of a bargaining unit member to serve as Chair. Prior to the appointment or reappointment, the Chancellor of a Community College, the Chancellor of UH-West Oahu, and the Dean/Director at UH-Hilo and UH-Manoa6/ shall consult with all the Faculty Members wishing to participate to receive their recommendation. If there is no consensus among the Faculty, the Chancellor, Dean/Director shall consider both the majority and minority views before making an appointment. Should there be a consensus among the Faculty Members as to who should serve as the Chair, and the recommendation is rejected, the Chancellor, Dean/Director shall meet with the Faculty Members and provide a written statement setting forth the reasons for selecting another Faculty Member.
D. If a qualified Faculty Member, as defined by section A, is not available within the Department/Division, or the Employer or its designee believes the eligible Faculty Members cannot effectively serve as Department/Division Chair, qualified Faculty Members from outside the Department/Division may be appointed as Department/Division Chair. In extraordinary circumstances where no eligible Faculty Members are available to serve as Department/Division Chair, the Employer or its designee shall meet with the Union to discuss alternative appointments prior to making a decision.
E. Academic Chairs are appointed by the appropriate administrative authority, but they are not managerial or supervisory employees. The duties of Academic Chairs will be set forth in a written Memorandum of Understanding agreed to by the parties.
F. Monthly compensation for Department or Division Chairs, Associate Chairs, Assistant Chairs, shall not be less than $300 per month. The size and complexity of the Department, Division, or Program and the nature of the quasi-administrative functions being performed shall determine the specific amount of the stipend. In addition, eleven (11) month appointments and workload equivalencies will be given where appropriate to the duties and responsibilities of the assignment.
6/The specific administrative appointing official may be subject to the process of BOR reorganization or administrative redelegation.