A University-wide Faculty Personnel Panel (FPP) shall provide a resource of experienced Faculty to which the President of the University may look for assistance and advice with respect to personnel matters involving Faculty Members.
All tenured I and R Faculty at Ranks 4 and 5 and all tenured S, B, and A Faculty at Ranks 3, 4, and 5 at UH-Manoa, UH-Hilo, and UH-West Oahu, and all tenured Faculty at Ranks 3, 4, and 5 at the Community Colleges shall be on the Panel.
A Faculty Member who shall have a case considered by a committee composed of FPP members regarding Article IX, XII, XIV, or XVIII, may exclude up to ten (10) Faculty Members from serving on any such committee. For purposes of tenure and/or promotion, each applicant shall receive from the Employer an explanation of the exclusion option and a form to file to exercise that option. Each applicant will be notified of the campus locations of complete listings of Faculty who comprise the Faculty Personnel Panel (FPP). A copy of the FPP will be filed with UHPA. The exclusion process will be completed prior to the formation of the Tenure and Promotion Review Committees.
For purposes of academic freedom and disciplinary actions, the exclusion process, as specified above, will be completed prior to the formation of the respective committees. Faculty Members serving on committees reviewing academic freedom or disciplinary action have the responsibility for recusing themselves from service on a TPRC reviewing the candidate’s application for promotion or tenure. In the case of UH-West Oahu, if the exercise of the exclusion option leaves fewer than six (6) members on the FPP, the committee shall include at least 50% of the members remaining on the FPP from UH-West Oahu.
- The appointment of Tenure and Promotion Review Committees (TPRCs) provided for in Articles XII and XIV shall be made from the FPP. At least fifty percent (50%) of the membership of each TPRC shall be from the campus of the applicant. FPP members appointed from campuses other than that of the Applicant shall be from the discipline of the applicant or from related disciplines.
- In addition to 1. above, at UH-Manoa, UH-Hilo, and UH-West Oahu the TPRC for I-2 in-rank promotions shall be drawn from I and C Faculty Members