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Article XIII, Faculty Appointments Not Eligible For Tenure


A significant number of individuals in the bargaining unit are not eligible to receive tenure. Such positions are funded through State general appropriations, special funds, revolving funds, and external government and private grants or contracts, or a combination thereof. These include the following:

1. Faculty Members being paid on the Lecturer Fee Schedule;

2. Part-time appointments;

3. “Visiting Faculty;”

4. Appointments that fill vacancies where a Faculty Member has return rights to the position;

5. Positions not designated as permanent by the funding agency; and

6. Positions that are a part of a program that has only probationary approval by the Board of Regents.


The Employer shall make every effort to convert temporary positions to tenure track status where:

1. The position has a permanent designation and is fully funded through State general funds; or

2. Where evidence of continuing need has been demonstrated by consistent funding of the position for seven (7) consecutive years that includes an average of at least seventy–five percent (75%) State general funding.


Faculty Members both on full and part-time appointments not eligible for tenure will be offered multi-year contracts under the following conditions:

1. The Faculty Member has been appointed to the same bargaining unit position for five (5) consecutive years; or

2. Where a multi-year Limited Term Contract would serve the mutual needs of the Employer and the Faculty Member.

Limited Term Contracts shall be for three (3) years, with the expiration term of the contract rolling forward one (1) year at the end of each year of the three (3) year term.5/

A Limited Term Contract may be terminated prior to its expiration, provided that the Faculty Member is given at least four (4) months’ notice, and all other temporary contracts of shorter duration in the individual’s Program, Division, or Department have been given prior notice of termination.

Limited Term Contracts for a period of one (1) year up to three (3) years shall be offered to Lecturers who have taught for at least eight (8) semesters over a seven (7) year period in the same unit.


Faculty Members hired specifically on a research or training grant, or through an external contract with the University, may be appointed to a Limited Term Contract of up to three (3) years. The renewal of the Limited Term Contract shall be subject to the needs of the grant or contract and the availability of funding. The beginning and ending dates for these Limited Term Contracts shall coincide with the dates of the grants or contracts.

5/The term “rolling contract” refers to the renewal of the contract at the end of each year of its term.  Therefore, each year a three-year rolling contract would automatically be renewed for an additional three (3) years if notice of termination of the contract were not made by the end of that first year.