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Article VIII, Faculty Travel


In recognition of the value in Faculty Members attending professional meetings as part of their normal professional activity and their professional development, the Employer agrees to facilitate the travel of Faculty Members to professional meetings insofar as is possible without interfering with maintaining the efficiency of University operations within available funds.


The Employer’s present rules and regulations on Travel Policies and Procedures shall be amended to provide for the following:

1. When Faculty Members are required to travel on official business and such travel requires an overnight stay, they shall be provided with a travel allowance consisting of: (1) the applicable federal allowance for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE); plus (2) reimbursement of actual lodging expenses, which shall not exceed the federal lodging allowance. Lodging expenses in excess of the federal lodging allowance may be requested on an exception basis. Such requests for lodging expenses in excess of the applicable federal rate shall be reasonable, shall be approved in advance of the Faculty Member’s trip, and shall require submission of receipts prior to reimbursement.

2. Nothing in the paragraph shall preclude Faculty Members from accepting M&IE and reimbursement for actual lodging expenses which are less than the federal allowable rates.

3. In the case of official travel time involving a fraction of a day, the allowable claim for M&IE shall be prorated in terms of quarter-day periods of actual travel time. Unless otherwise authorized by the Employer, allowable travel time is the time necessary to travel by the most direct route to and from the points specified in the approved travel plan or request, plus the time necessary to conduct the required official business.

4. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted to restrict a more liberal travel allowance payment (or other reimbursement) if such payment is provided by an external source of funding.

5. In order to provide freedom of choice in meal consumption, a Faculty Member shall not have the M&IE allowance reduced on the basis of meals included in conference programs.


For inter-island travel not including overnight stay, the Employer will provide the Faculty Member with an allowance of $20.00.


The Employer’s present rules and regulations for reimbursing Faculty Members for use of their private vehicles when required to use such vehicles in carrying out their duties shall provide for reimbursement at the applicable federal mileage rate per mile traveled on business.


1. The provisions of this section shall apply to Faculty Members under the following conditions:

a. The Faculty Member is required to use a personal vehicle for work purposes as a condition of employment; and

b. The Faculty Member is required to use a personal vehicle a minimum of 20 times or 200 miles per month on an on-going basis.

2. Faculty who meet the conditions specified in Paragraph 1 of this section shall be offered a University parking permit from among those parking permits allocated to the appropriate Dean/Director, Chancellor, or Provost for assignment to employees.

3. The University parking rates for Faculty who meet the conditions specified in Paragraph 1 of this section shall be thirty percent (30%) of the applicable University parking rates, if any, approved and as may be amended by the Board of Regents.