R-07, Appendix S, Community College Sick Leave Policy & Procedures

October 10, 1978

1. When Sick Leave Granted

Sick leave is granted when an employee is ill and unable to discharge his duties, or his presence at work is a health hazard to students or employees. (BOR 10/21/71)

2. Sick Leave Entitlement for Academic Year Faculty

a. Personnel classified as “C” in the Community Colleges who are nine-month personnel for the full academic year shall be entitled to 18 days of sick leave. (BOR 10/21/71)

b. Faculty members appointed after August 31 shall have entitlement prorated as follows: (BOR 10/21/71, Revised by UH BMI No. 2073)

First Semester

August ——————————————————————————————- 18 days
September ————————————————————————————— 17 days
October —————————————————————————————— 15 days
November ————————————————————————————— 13 days
December to end of Semester —————————————————————— 11 days

Second Semester

Start of 2nd Semester through January —————————————————– 9 days
February —————————————————————————————– 7 days
March ——————————————————————————————– 5 days
April ———————————————————————————————- 3 days
May ———————————————————————————————– 1 day

3. Sick Leave Entitlement for Faculty on Calendar-Year Appointment

a. Eleven-month personnel earn sick leave entitlement at the rate of 1-3/4 days per month (14 hours). Employees working less than 19 days in a calendar month shall receive less than 1-3/4 days as provided for in the following schedule: (BOR 10/21/71)

For 1 to 3 cal. days of service 0 working day of leave
4 to 7 cal. days of service 1/4 working day of leave (2 hours)
8 to 11 cal. days of service 1/2 working day of leave (4 hours)
12 to 15 cal. days of service 3/4 working day of leave (6 hours)
16 to 19 cal. days of service 1 working day of leave (8 hours)
20 to 23 cal. days of service 1-1/4 working days of leave (10 hours)
24 to 27 cal. days of service 1-1/2 working days of leave (12 hours)
28 or more cal. days of service 1-3/4 working days of leave (14 hours)

b. Such leave allowance shall be recorded and administered on a calendar-year basis, the allowance accruing during each calendar year being credited to the employee as of December 31 of each year. (BOR 10/21/71)

c. For nine-month “C” employees, refer to page 9 on Sick Leave entitlement.

4. Accumulation of Sick Leave Days

a. Sick leave available is equal to the number of days of cumulative sick leave which has been earned by the Faculty member plus the number of days of current annual sick leave to which he is entitled. Current annual sick leave entitlement will start the month an employee begins work. (BOR 10/21/71)

b. Sick leave which is not used during the year for which it accrues shall accumulate and be available for succeeding years. (BOR 10/21/71)

c. Accumulation of sick leave days shall have no limitation. (BOR 10/21/71)

d. Personnel on the nine-month salary schedule receive their annual sick leave entitlement at the beginning of the year, or a prorated amount if appointed late. Under the present academic calendar, the entitlement should be recorded during the month of August, or later if a late appointment in accordance with the prorated schedule in item #1 herein. (BMI No. 2073)

e. Should a nine-month Faculty member terminate prior to completion of an academic year, the entitlement must be reduced by 16 hours for each month of service not completed. (BMI No. 2073)

f. A Faculty member leaving the community college shall retain his accumulated sick leave for a period of five years, after which time, should he return to service, his sick leave status will be that of a new employee. (BOR 10/21/71)

g. Faculty members who were transferred or were recruited from the State Department of Education retain their accumulated sick leave when they join the community colleges. (BOR 10/21/71)

h. Faculty members who were entitled to earn and accumulate sick leave on the Manoa and Hilo campuses of the University of Hawaii retain their accumulation when they transfer to the community colleges. (BOR 10/21/71)

i. Instructional personnel at the Manoa and Hilo campuses of the University of Hawaii do not earn formal sick leave and consequently bring no accumulation when they transfer to the community colleges. (BOR 10/21/71)

j. When a Faculty member is granted leave of absence without pay, the sick leave accumulation up to the time of leave will be registered and credited to him/her upon return to service. (BOR 10/21/71)

5. Illness at the Opening of the Academic Year

a. A Faculty member who is ill and under the care of a licensed physician at the opening of the academic year will be allowed full pay sick leave from the beginning of the academic year up to the limit of his full pay accumulated sick leave available. (BOR 10/21/71)

b. Upon return to work, Faculty member will be granted annual sick leave to which he/she is entitled for the balance of the year which may be applied retroactively to cover illness during the first days of the academic year. (BOR 10/21/71)

6. Leave for Physical Check-Up. Sick leave shall not be granted for a physical check-up unless it is illness-connected and required by a licensed physician in connection with treatment. (BOR 10/21/71)

7. Working Days Only to be Charged. In all cases of sick leave with pay, only actual school days will be charged against the amount of sick leave available. (BOR 10/21/71)

8. Absence During Part of the School Day. A Faculty member who leaves the campus because of illness may be considered present for the day after being on regular duty for three hours. (BOR 10/21/71)

9. Employees absent from work on account of sickness shall have charged against their sick leave allowance all working days which occur during the absence.

a. For “C” personnel on 11-month appointments, this means any regular University work day exclusive of non-duty time during the summer period.

b. For “C” personnel on 9-month appointments, this means any regular University work day during the period beginning one week before registration for the first semester and ending with the second semester’s commencement, including periods when classes are not scheduled.

c. “Regular University work day” is synonymous with regular State of Hawaii work day and does not include holidays and weekends.

10. When a Faculty member has been on sick leave for one month, a Leave of Absence form should be submitted even though he/she has not returned to work. Thereafter, to avoid exceeding the member’s sick leave credit, a Leave of Absence form should be submitted on a monthly basis if the Faculty member continues to be on sick leave. (BMI No. 2071)

11. Any sick leave taken in excess of the earned allowance which has not been approved by special exception will be considered as leave without pay. In this regard, the policies, rules or contracts governing the type of sick leave concerned must be followed. (BMI No. 2071)

12. Faculty filling Executive and Administrative/Managerial positions on an acting basis are entitled to the sick leave rules for their regular classification. Should an acting appointment for a non-accumulating Faculty be confirmed as a regular appointment without a break, retroactive credit will be given for the acting period. (BMI No. 2071)

13. There is no lump sum payment allowed for unused sick leave when a Faculty member terminates from his/her position; however, such sick leave credit will be transferred to the Employees’ Retirement System. (BMI No. 2071)

14. Sick Leave for Persons on Research Grant/Contract. In accordance with BOR policy adopted October 10, 1966, sick leave will not be granted for any period extending beyond the expiration date of the grant or contract providing the funds from which the employee is paid. The practical effect of this policy is that any sick leave which is not used by BOR appointees on the contract or grant is subject to forfeiture except as provided under collective bargaining contracts. Refer to paragraph 4, BMI No. 2071, for a summary of the forfeiture rules. In such cases, the administrator or manager of the grant or contract must notify the employee and the University Personnel Office of the forfeiture using the UH Form 3 (PERS), Attachment C. (BOR 10/10/61 and BMI No. 2071)

15. When to Prepare G2. The Department of Accounting and General Services will not audit the G2 more than five working days in advance of termination date. Therefore, the G2 and the DPS 7 should be prepared by the University of Hawaii Personnel Office as appropriate and/or certified and returned to the University Personnel Office approximately ten days before the termination date. (BMI No. 2073)

16. Preparing G2 and DPS 7 Forms. The UH Personnel Office will prepare the Form G2, Rev. 7/74, Application for Transfer of Sick Leave Credit in those cases where the sick leave record is maintained on the computerized system.

a. The G2 together with the current year detail record on the DPS Form 7 will be sent to the employee’s organization for verification and signatures. (BMI No. 2073)

b. Organizational personnel should check the balance on the G2 as well as the DPS Form 7 entries to ensure that all sick leaves are indicated. When preparing the DPS Form 7, the 1-3/4 days per month (14 hours) must be recorded for each month. Special attention should be given to the period immediately prior to the termination date to be sure that recent or planned absences are recorded. If a discrepancy is noted, call the Employee Benefits Section of the University Personnel Office, ext. 8643, to effect the necessary correction. After review and/or correction, the employee and the organizational administrative representative must sign the G2 in the spaces provided. The organizational representative must sign in the space identified for signature of Department Head. Return the G2 and the DPS Form 7 to the University Personnel Office. (BMI No. 2073)

17. Procedures in Taking Sick Leave. Sick leaves taken by Faculty on the accrual system are to be reported in accordance with procedures outlined in BMI No. 2071.

a. A Faculty member requesting sick leave must submit one set of the multi-carbon leave form, Application for Leave of Absence, UH Form 1 (PERS), 3/70 (See Attachment B), to his/her departmental chairperson or a designated college official for approval. The form must be completed within five (5) working days after return from sick leave. (BMI No. 2071) For absence of more than five consecutive working days, the form must be accompanied by a statement from a licensed physician or accredited Christian Science practitioner. For absence of five consecutive days or less, the signature of a physician is not required. (BOR 10/21/71)

b. Departmental Office or Designated College Official: After approval by the Departmental Chairperson or Designated College Official, the multi-carbon leave form should be distributed as follows: original to the UH Personnel Office, Employee Benefits Section, 1st copy to employee and 2nd copy to be maintained by the department or designated college office. The departmental/or designated college official’s copy of the Leave of Absence form should be checked against the monthly machine roster, which is provided by the UH Personnel Office, to insure that the original Leave of Absence form has been processed and entered into the leave accounting system. (BMI No. 2071)

c. UH Personnel Office: The UH Personnel Office will process all Application for Leave of Absence forms for all employees in the sick leave accrual system. The UH Personnel Office will also provide each department with a monthly machine roster reflecting all sick leave taken plus current credit balances for each Faculty member. (BMI No. 2071)



(Page 9 of original text of the Community College Sick Leave Policy & Procedures)

Nine-month “C” employees earn sick leave entitlement at the rate of two (2) days per month (16 hours). Employees working less than a full month shall receive the following prorated sick leave credits:

1 to 2 calendar days —————————– 0
3 to 6 calendar days —————————– 2
7 to 9 calendar days —————————– 4
10 to 13 calendar days ————————–  6
14 to 16 calendar days ————————— 8
17 to 20 calendar days ————————– 10
21 to 23 calendar days ————————– 12
24 to 27 calendar days ————————– 14
28 or more calendar days ———————- 16

(Schedule was prepared by UH Personnel Office)


1. A 9-month “C” employee who terminates his/her job (for reasons other than death or a transfer) before the end of a calendar month is not to be credited with any sick leave earned for that month.

2. A “C” employee who transfers or changes to an 11-month contract or to a 9-month contract will have his/her sick leave credit earned prorated as of the date of the transfer according to the 9-month or 11-month pro rata schedule.

3. The 9-month “C” employee who terminates by reason of death during a given month will receive a prorated sick leave credit earned for that month up to the date of his/her death.

4. The 9-month “C” employee who starts the new year’s employment in the month of July will not receive his/her 18 days of sick leave credits for the coming year until the month of August, when all other regular 9-month “C” personnel will have their 18 days for the year recorded into the computer files.

5. “C” employees going on Leave Without Pay status during the academic year will stop earning sick leave credits as of the date of the LWOP. Upon return to duty from LWOP, sick leave credits for the remainder of the year will be recalculated according to the 9-month or 11-month pro rata schedule.

6. A first year “C” employee who cannot report to work on the first duty day due to illness will be required to take a Leave Without Pay for the period of the illness. An SF-5B must be initiated to place the person on LWOP status. When the employee returns to duty, an adjustment of the remaining year’s sick leave credit will be made into the computer files using the 9-month pro rata schedule.

7. “School Days” for “C” employees are defined by BOR policy as “9 months of continuous service within the period beginning one week before registration for the first semester and ending with the second semester’s Commencement exercise.” Therefore, a “C” employee who teaches a regularly scheduled weekend class and who is absent from it due to illness is to charge such absence to sick leave.

8. Due to the different sick leave credit schedules per year between 9-month and 11-month “C” personnel, it is conceivable and possible for a “C” person to earn more than 21 sick leave days per year if such person transfers or changes from a contract to another during the year.

9. No sick leave credits are earned during the period that “C” employees are on sabbatical leave or study leave.

10. Changes in FTE during the academic year should be reflected by appropriate adjustments to the employee’s sick leave accumulation total in the computer files.

11. A “C” employee who is terminated from the job, grieves, and then is reinstated will be credited with sick leave earned during the period of the termination.

12. “C” employees hired under a G-3 position control (State, Federal or other funds) will have sick leave accumulation rights.

13. “C” personnel hired on extramural Research Grant/Contract cannot accumulate sick leave credits beyond the grant/contract period. (Refer to paragraph 4, BMI No. 2071–for summary of the forfeiture rules.)


New Appointments

Exempt appointments of Instructors

Change in Appointments

Exempt appointment to different position
Change in FTE
Change in Title

Leave With Pay

Sabbatical Leave—less than 1 year
Sabbatical Leave—a year
Change(s) during Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical Leave—less than a year–following LWOP
Sabbatical Leave—a year—following LWOP

Study Leave
Change(s) during Study Leave
Study Leave—following LWOP

Return from Leave With Pay

Return to duty from Sabbatical Leave—less than a year
Return to duty from Sabbatical Leave—a year

Return to duty from Study Leave

Leave Without Pay – Going and Returning

General Improvement
Death in the Family
Industrial Injury
Extended Annual Vacation for Travel
Military Services
Seek Political Office
Personal Business of Emergency Nature
Temporary Cessation of Normal Operations
Render Services at State Legislature
Serving on Constitutional Convention
Professional Improvement
Authorized Leave without Compensation
Unauthorized Absence without Compensation
No Prorated Summer Pay
Changes during LWOP – (type of LWOP)
LWOP – (type of LWOP) following Sabbatical Leave
LWOP – (type of LWOP) following Study Leave
Depletion of Funds


Retirement (age 64 and under)
Retirement (age 65 and over)


(Corrected copy as of 12/12/78)

Amount to be Credited or Subtracted

August (08)                                  18 days                            144 hours
September (09)                            17 days                            136 hours
October (10)                                 15 days                            120 hours
November (11)                              13 days                           104 hours
December (12)                              11 days                           88 hours
January (01)                                 9 days                             72 hours
February (02)                                7 days                            56 hours
March (03)                                    5 days                            40 hours
April (04)                                       3 days                            24 hours
May (05)                                         1 day                              8 hours
June (06)                                        —                                    —
July (07)                                         —                                    —


A. 11-Month Faculty                                                                                      B. 9-Month Faculty Prorated by Days

1 to 3 cal. days 0 days                                                                                     1 to 2 cal. days 0 days
4 to 7 cal. days ¼ day (2 hrs.)                                                                     3 to 6 cal. days ¼ day (2 hrs.)
8 to 11 cal. days ½ day (4 hrs.)                                                                   7 to 9 cal. days ½ day (4 hrs.)
12 to 15 cal. days ¾ day (6 hrs.)                                                                 10 to 13 cal. days ¾ day (6 hrs.)
16 to 19 cal. days 1 day (8 hrs.)                                                                    14 to 16 cal. days 1 day (8 hrs.)
20 to 23 cal. days 1-1/4 day (10 hrs.)                                                         17 to 20 cal. days 1-1/4 day (10 hrs.)
24 to 27 cal. days 1-1/2 day (12 hrs.)                                                          21 to 23 cal. days 1-1/2 day (12 hrs.)
28 or more cal. days 1-3/4 day (14 hrs.)                                                    24 to 27 cal. days 1-3/4 day (14 hrs.)
28 or more cal. days 2 days (16 hrs.)