A. Faculty Members on nine-month (9-month) appointments in the I and C classifications are on duty for nine (9) consecutive months with salary paid over a twelve-month (12-month) period. During the nine-month (9-month) duty period, Faculty Members shall not be deemed to be on twenty-four (24) hour per day or seven (7) days per week continuous duty. The beginning and ending dates for the duty period for each campus will be determined by the Employer, provided that the beginning date shall be between August 14th and September 14th and run for nine (9) consecutive months thereafter, except that Faculty whose duties are other than classroom instruction may be assigned a duty period beginning two (2) weeks earlier than the calendar established for the campus; however, in such cases the Faculty Member’s duty period shall end two (2) weeks earlier, or the Faculty Member shall receive compensatory release from assignments during the normal duty period at a mutually agreed upon time or proportional compensation.
Faculty Members with eleven (11) month appointments may have duty periods with beginning and ending dates different from those set by the campus, provided that these agreements are made in writing and have been accepted by the Faculty Member and the campus administration.
B. Since the performance of teaching duties, research, and service extends beyond classroom responsibilities and includes such activities as preparation, student evaluation, syllabus revision, and review of current literature and research in the subject area, such duties cannot be restricted to a fixed amount of time or points in time.
C. On the day after Thanksgiving, during the interval between semesters and during the spring recess, Faculty Members on nine (9) month appointments are provided with professional development days. Faculty Members are not entitled to additional compensation to attend meetings or to carry out other University business during this period.