R-07, UH Systemwide Administrative Procedures AP 9.350, Application for Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Credit or Payment in Lieu of Vacation
AP 9.350 Application for Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Credit or Payment in Lieu of Vacation
I. Purpose
To prescribe the procedure to be followed in preparing and certifying the application for transfer of vacation and sick leave credit or payment in lieu of vacation.
II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Administrative Procedure
A. This procedure shall apply to all employees on the vacation and sick leave accrual system, including civil service personnel and BOR appointees.
B. This procedure shall apply when any of the following conditions exist:
1. The employee transfers to another state or county agency and vacation and/or sick leave credits are to be transferred to the gaining organization, or
2. The employee is eligible for and requests lump sum payment for unused vacation, or
3. The employee transfers to a position within the University which is paid from a different fund and vacation credits (including dollar amounts) are to transferred, or
4. The employee terminates and has some unused sick leave credit.
5. When an Executive/Managerial appointee returns to an instructional faculty position, lump-sum vacation payment shall be made.
C. Transfers of vacation and sick leave and payment for accumulated vacation upon termination require the designee to prepare the Application for Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Credit of Payment in Lieu of Vacation, Form G-2 and Instructions (Attachment A and B), which must be signed by the employee and the Administrative Officer or fiscal officers and the Attendance and Leave Record, DPS Form 7 and Instruction (Attachments C and D) for the current calendar year and attach original copies of the vacation and sick leave annual Leave Status Report in the following manner:
1. Original Leave Status Reports are needed for the four (4) calendar years immediately preceding the year of transfer or termination. (Note: Special attention should be given to the period immediately prior to the termination date to be sure that recent or planned absences before such date are recorded.)
2. The G2 and the supporting documents should be prepared, audited and certified by the respective division as appropriate.
a. Prior to distribution of G2 copies, a final check to insure for accuracy shall be made. In event of an error, prepare an amended G2 and attach the incorrect copies to the Amended G2 and distribute accordingly.
b. The respective division is to distribute documents in the following manner:
(1) For Lump Sum Payment
(a) 1st copy to Payroll Office
(b) 2nd copy to ERS
(c) 3rd copy retained by division level (if civil service to the Civil Service Section, if E/M to the Personnel Management Office, Director’s Office)
(d) 4th copy to employee
(e) 5th copy (extra)
(2) For Sick Leave Only
(a) 1st retained by Division
(b) 2nd copy to ERS
(c) 3rd copy retained by division level (if civil service to the Civil Service Section, if E/M to the Personnel Management Office, Director’s Office)
(d) 4th copy to employee
(e) 5th copy extra
(3) For Transfer to Another State or County Agency
(a) 1st*, 2nd, 4th and 5th copy to the department gaining the employee
(b) 3rd copy retained by division level (if civil service to the Civil Service Section, if E/M to the Personnel Management Office, Director’s Office)
(c) *1st copy attached to Authorization for Payment only if monies need to be transferred.
IV. Delegation of Authority
Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Manoa Deans and Directors or their designees are responsible for processing the necessary documentation for transfer of vacation and sick leave credits or payment in lieu of vacation.
V. Contact Information
VI. References
A. Administrative Procedure A9.380, Vacation and Sick Leave System
B. Administrative Procedure A9.390, Vacation Credit Fund Transfer
C. Section 88-63 HRS, Credit for Unused Sick Leave
D. Section 78-23 HRS, Leaves of absence
VII. Exhibits and AppendixesForm G2, Application for Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Credit or Payment in Lieu of Vacation
Instruction for Completing Form G-2, Application for Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Credit or Payment in Lieu of Vacation
DPS Form 7, Leave Record
Instruction for Completing DPS Form 7, Leave Record
[appended forms not included]