Each Department or Division, or comparable unit within the University, shall put in writing, and approve through a majority vote of the bargaining unit Faculty Members, procedures or policies that will include, but are not limited to, tenure, promotion, and contract renewal evaluations and recommendations, and recommendation of the Department or Division Chair (DC). If such procedures have not been written and approved within six (6) months of the execution of this Agreement, the Employer and Union shall develop such procedures for the Department or Division.


Written Department or Division Personnel Committee (DPC) procedures shall at a minimum provide for (a) secret ballot voting at all final votes, (b) strict exclusion from voting of any individual who is not a tenured Bargaining Unit 07 member over the tenure or contract renewal of another Faculty Member, (c) that only Faculty Members of equal or higher rank to which the applicant has applied can vote on applications for promotions, (d) procedures for the orderly review of dossiers at the Department or Division level, and (e) that the determination of the Department‘s or Division‘s recommendation for DC to the Dean or Director, or other appropriate administrator, shall be based on a majority vote of all bargaining unit Faculty Members in the Department or Division.

For the UH-Manoa Outreach College and the John A. Burns School of Medicine Departments that have fewer than five (5) eligible tenured Faculty Members, the Union and the Employer agree to allow non-tenure track bargaining unit members to serve on the Department personnel committees and to vote on the promotion applications of non-tenure track faculty when their equivalent rank (Associate or Full Professor) is equal to or higher than the rank of that for which the applicant has applied.

Non-tenure track bargaining unit members may participate in the establishment of DPC policies and procedures and they may also take part in the discussions of the Personnel Committee if the Department or Division has voted to include these Faculty Members in such deliberations.

The DPC policies and procedures may include provisions for an individual candidate to exclude participation by other department members where the candidate believes that a conflict exists that would prevent the Faculty Member’s fair evaluation of a tenure or promotion application made by the candidate.

Department or Division Chairs, and other bargaining unit members serving in similar capacities such as those with the title Director, shall not participate by voice, vote, presence, or in any other form of communication in the deliberations of the DPC over individual tenure and promotion applications.

The Library Personnel Committee for the UH-Manoa Library Services shall operate under the policies and procedures approved on September 12, 1997 and function as a DPC. All tenured Librarians are eligible for election to the Library Personnel Committee, including tenure, promotion, and reappointment applications. Librarians holding the title of Department Head shall be eligible to serve on the Library Personnel Committee, provided that they will be excused from deliberation and voting in cases involving candidates for whom they serve as Intermediate Supervisor or Department Head.


1. Written DPC procedures shall be submitted through the Dean or Director to the appropriate Chancellor or Provost and the union for approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

2. These procedures shall comply with the terms of this Agreement, Board of Regents’ policies, and administrative guidelines.

3. Copies of the approved DPC procedures will be filed with the Union. Copies shall also be retained in the office of the Dean/Director or Chancellor at UH-West Oahu.


1. Amendments to DPC procedures may be recommended from time to time at the discretion of the Department, Division, or comparable unit.

2. The proposed amendment shall be sent through the Dean or Director to the appropriate Chancellor or Provost and the union for review and approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Approved amended procedures shall be filed with the Union and the Dean/Director or Chancellor at UH-West Oahu.