R-03, BOR Policy RP 9.214, Teaching Assignments for Instructional Faculty
R-03, BOR Policy RP 9.214, Teaching Assignments for Instructional Faculty
RP 9.214 Teaching Assignments for Instructional Faculty
I. Purpose
To set forth policy regarding teaching assignments for instructional faculty.
II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Policy
A. The instructional faculty of the University of Hawai‘i has duties and responsibilities that encompass a number of professional activities in addition to teaching. The nature and scope of these additional duties depend on the particular mission of the unit and program and the relationship of that mission to the faculty member’s professional qualifications. As instruction is the university’s highest priority, however, teaching remains the most important duty of its faculty. This policy sets standards for the assignment of the instructional component of faculty responsibilities.
- Except as otherwise provided herein, the standard teaching assignments for full-time instructional faculty shall be as follows:
a. 24 semester credit hours per academic year at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa,
b. 24 semester credit hours per academic year at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo,
c. 24 semester credit hours per academic year at University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu, and
d. 27 semester credit hours per academic year in the community colleges.
- Except as otherwise provided herein, the standard teaching assignments for full-time instructional faculty shall be as follows:
- The teaching assignments in section A1. above refer to classroom lecture instruction. For other modes of instruction (clinical practice, laboratory, online, thesis supervision, etc.), each chancellor shall develop and recommend:
a. An appropriate measure of the instructional activity (contact hours, number of students supervised, etc.), and
b. An equivalence relating the designated measure to semester credit hours.
- The teaching assignments in section A1. above refer to classroom lecture instruction. For other modes of instruction (clinical practice, laboratory, online, thesis supervision, etc.), each chancellor shall develop and recommend:
It is expected that the development of appropriate equivalents will involve consultation of the appropriate faculty, department chairpersons, and academic deans.
Such equivalents shall be reviewed and approved by the president and reported to the board upon their establishment or subsequent revision consistent with board policy.
- Teaching assignments for part-time instructional faculty or for faculty paid less than full-time from instructional funds shall be as set forth in section A1. above pro-rated by their fractional full-time equivalent in instruction.
- In recognition of the diverse responsibilities of the university and its faculty, each chancellor shall develop and recommend equivalents for specific noninstructional activities that are consistent with and in furtherance of the mission of the university unit and program.
It is expected that the development of appropriate equivalents will involve consultation of the appropriate faculty, department chairpersons, and academic deans.
The definitions of these equivalents shall include:
a. A description of the professional activities for which they may be granted,
b. An explanation of the relationship of these activities to institutional and program mission and priorities, and
c. Guidelines for determining the circumstances which warrant granting them.
Such equivalents shall be reviewed and approved by the president and reported to the board upon their establishment or subsequent revision consistent with board policy.
The implementation of this policy shall be the responsibility of the chancellors of the respective units.
- The teaching equivalencies for every unit shall be publicly posted online and readily available directly from a single point on each campus.
- Each unit shall ensure against discriminatory teaching assignments. In addition, chancellors shall establish procedures to monitor the effectiveness of teaching reductions for non-instructional duties.
B. Each tenured and tenure-track faculty member will make available to the public a curriculum vitae. This will be posted electronically.
IV. Delegation of Authority
There is no policy specific delegation of authority.
V. Contact Information
Office of the Vice President for Administration, 956-8862, jgouveia@hawaii.edu
VI. References
- http://www.hawaii.edu/offices/bor/
- EP 9.203